gofuku kyoukomono Ishikawaya

Store specializing in kimonos Ishikawa is a store specializing in kimonos of
Gosen-shi, Niigata. Please talk about a kimono with anything willingly.

Our store has a kimono, the obi of the Japanese eminent well-established maker.

I shine with nature on the spot in harmony with the circumference,
and worn one glistens
I have a kimono.
Please talk about a kimono with anything willingly.
Out of the prefecture, I cope immediately

Our store is a store specializing in fabrics for kimono of Gosen-shi, Niigata.
Please talk about the thing about the kimono with anything willingly.
Our store always has a kimono in stock.
Visiting dress, houmongi and tukesage.
which are a pattern, the colored formal kimono which are an official kimono, arrival at best clothes. The Edo-dyed clothe with the origin from the old ceremonial dress of the samurai.
A fine pattern, pongee of the arrival at fashion. someobi where an obi of the Nishijin brocade, the pattern of the season were dyed.
The kimono for the man.
I always have each kimono in a season.
Please refer willingly.
Of care, a makeover, the color redye; kimono reforms
Leave it to me in anything.
Only in the specialty store advise it.


Store specializing in kimonos Ishikawa
1888-1, Muramatsukou, Gosen-shi, Niigata
Telephone 0250‐58‐6346
mail ishikawaya@sky.hi-ho.ne.jp

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